Monday, December 11, 2006

Lately ive been thinking about my life. Life is too short, I sometime just think of what would happen if i lost someone tomorrow. what would i think? i hope i had told them i loved them. It makes me want to cherish every moment i have with everyone i love. I start to enjoy every second of just laughing with friends, or watching tv shows with my mom. People take other people for granted so often. Out of all the pain i've been through, i try to stay detached from my friends and family, i dont want someone to go away like they did last time. Even through all the pain, i think this is somehow God showing me that i can be strong through all of this, that i can make it. God has provided me with the best friends i could ever imagine in my life. They would never hurt me. I'm afraid to love again though. Im afraid to fall in love and to tell someone everything, to let them be my everything. I'm afraid they wont be what i think they are and they'll break my heart. i dont want to just love someone, i want to be in an amazing in love feeling, where you know that they will be there for you for the rest of your life. I guess ive realized i need to wait, i cant keep looking for that one person, i think god will bring him to me. i think if im patient, i will be rewarded. i look too much, i get hurt too much, all because i want to be in love, and i never will be if all i do is set myself up for getting hurt. People say love is overrated. i dont think so. The one time i was in love, i was the happiest person i think ive ever been. all i wanted to do was be with that person, they gave me complete joy. and they were taken away. they werent what i thought they were. i think god put me through that to show me that i need to wait for the good ones, the ones that might not come for awhile, but will be worth wating for. maybe this persons already in my life, i just havent realized it yet. it might be the next person you see tomorrow at school, or the person you run into on the sidewalk. It makes you really look around, it comforts me to know that somewhere in the world, someone that wants to spend the rest of his life with me, is out there.